Sixth Form⁺ Curriculum

Students follow an individualised pathway that reflects their skills, abilities, needs and interests

Within the Sixth Form, a highly ambitious curriculum has been created that will enable visually impaired and multi-sensory impaired learners to be prepared for adulthood. 

The Preparation for Adulthood provision provides all students with the opportunity to further develop the knowledge and skills that they will need to be successful in their adult lives. The curriculum is carefully planned to ensure that meaningful activities build upon prior knowledge and skills. Learners are taught how to apply knowledge and skills with greater fluency and independence; thus equipping them with the toolkit to succeed.

We want to prepare our students to lead as independent an adult life as possible and work with organisations such as Blind in Business and other renowned companies to prepare students for a range of possible options.

Curriculum Overview

The 6th Form + curriculum aims to equip pupils with the knowledge and skills needed for the best possible outcomes in life and built on their previous achievements in school.

We continuously enhance the 6th form provision by broadening the range of accreditations and non-qualification activities.

Our sixth form students have a wide range of needs and abilities and therefore we have organised the department into separate units each with its curriculum offer to optimise students’ life chances.

We use an interdisciplinary approach with habilitation officers working alongside teachers to develop independent travel skills and life skills. Our large on-site therapy department of physiotherapists, speech and language therapists, occupational therapists and creative arts therapists provide individual programmes to prepare students with the skills they need for life.

In terms of students’ social and emotional needs, we recognise that to fully enable students to engage and participate in the opportunities now available after school for students with Vision, Multi-sensory and Sensory impairment we need to also focus on well-being and self-esteem. We have two linked Educational Psychologists and a large Therapeutic team who work with students on an individual or small-group basis.

The curriculum is ambitious and takes a highly personalised approach to learning. The curriculum is created for each individual learner, it is never expected that a student will ‘fit’ a curriculum.

The curriculum is based on four key principles:

  • Independence Skills: Daily living skills, functional skills, Personal and self-help skills
  • Meaningful Learning Activities: Vocational learning, Accreditation and Qualifications, Careers guidance and work experience, Creative and Therapeutic activities
  • Preparation for Adulthood Skills: Social and Communication skills, Independent Living Skills
  • Opportunities to continue Life Long Learning: Links with post-school provisions, Transition Coordinator and events, Post 19 community facilities, Strong links to British Values

Students follow an individualised pathway that reflects their skills, abilities, needs and interests


Pre-Formal + Curriculum

Semi-Formal + Curriculum

Formal + Curriculum

  • Life skills 
  • Self -care
  • Food preparation
  • Personal safety
  • Daily activities within the community
  • Communication and interaction
  • Developing communication systems
  • Making meaningful choices
  • Exploring the world of work/Careers 
  • Leisure for life
  • Visiting and learning how to access places of interests
  • Developing independency
  • Daily living skills 
  • Health and safety
  • Personal care
  • Communication, literacy and numeracy
  • Functional communication
  • Reading for pleasure
  • Functional maths skills
  • Social emotional development
  • Community links
  • Careers/Vocational
  • Leisure activities
  • Independence
  • Functional skills
  • Personal development
  • Vocational 
  • Careers
  • Academic progression
  • Leisure


Pre-Formal + Curriculum

Pupils at very early levels of development access a curriculum which is comprehensible and meaningful to them. The focus is to help students to further develop life skills, to enable them to establish positive interactive relationships with others, proactively explore the world around them, gaining environmental control skills. All pupils will be given maximum opportunities to achieve the highest level of independence possible.

Students follow ASDAN Personal Progress Entry Level 1 Accreditation program.

The qualifications ensure that all learners are given the same opportunities to access appropriate and relevant education to develop new skills and improve their life outcomes. 

Since September 2022 Pupils work towards Entry level 1 in Sounds of Intent, an innovative and fully inclusive qualification in music education which enables students to have their musical achievements and progress formally recognised.

Students participate in the Duke of Edinburgh Award which gives them opportunities to discover new interests and develop hobbies.

Careers programs give students unique access to explore the world of work through sensory exploration. Pupils have access to internal and external enrichment sessions, e.g. immerse sensory experience in Polka Theatre, music performances, etc;

Students participate in running Linden Lodge Café, create merchandise for themed Café events, and take an active part in 6th Form events and activities.


Semi-Formal + Curriculum

Pupils following a semi-formal +curriculum benefit most when learning is related to their own experience. There is a strong emphasis on students learning effectively through functional activities. An individualised approach is always adopted. The curriculum content is context-based and has four focus areas: Daily Living. Communication, Literacy and Numeracy, Social-emotional development and Preparation for adulthood. The curriculum pathway is driven by individual learning intentions and aims to support the students to learn and demonstrate skills to the highest level of independence. The teaching approach reflects the age and learning style of the pupils concerned.

We use an interdisciplinary approach involving specialist teachers of the visually impaired alongside habilitationists, therapists and specialist support staff.

The bespoke offer allows students to work towards accreditations that reflect their passions and interest such as BTEC Home Cooking Skills, Entry Level in Maths, English (Maths and English in everyday life), Humanities, IT, Social and Personal Development 

We offer a rounded curriculum which includes a range of non-qualification activities (e.g. bespoke tutorials, leadership teamwork, self-management skills and volunteering).

Students take part in the Duke of Edinburgh programme and run Linden Lodge Café.

There is also a high emphasis on preparing visually-impaired students for independent living and employment. 

Bespoke career offer for all students gives access to internal and external enrichment sessions based on students' interests and passions to build a further knowledge of these fields.

Students are exposed to a variety of employers from a wide range of fields/ skill sets and have opportunities to explore different work environments.

Formal + Curriculum

The Formal + curriculum allows pupils to study subject-specific areas that relate broadly to the national curriculum. Individualised timetables reflect students’ needs and interests. Life skills and independence skills also form a large part of the curriculum. Learning is linked to practical activities and consolidated and applied in practical sessions. At the formal level pupils who pursue accreditation pathways (e.g. Entry Level/ GCSE/Level 1/ Level 2 and Level 3 courses follow the appropriate syllabus in each exam subject.

Linden Lodge Sixth Form offers a rounded curriculum which includes an academic progression through accreditation courses, an excellent careers programme, internal and external work placements and bespoke non-qualification activities such as bespoke tutorials, workshops, etc.